My name is Dr. V. Thomas Mawhinney.
I am a psychologist who specializes in Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Behavior Modification, and more general methods of psychotherapy.
On this website you will find my credentials and information about my private practice.
I have placed to the right, links to a blog site where I will post information regarding mental health which you may find helpful.
As I am able, I will be offering publications for sale. Please see the heading 'My Publications' to the right.
My primary services are Psychology, Behavior Modification, Behavior Therapy, Psychotherapy, Marriage Problems, Divorce Issues, Depression, Anxiety, Grief, Trauma, PTSD, ADHD, Mental Retardation, and Autism. I work with Children, Adolescents, and Adults. I also perform Personality Testing and Assessment and Fitness For Duty Evaluations for Police and Fire Personnel.
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Please Read This Important Disclaimer:
None of the examples that I use in my blogs, or other written materials, relate to any specific client that I have ever treated. The histories, symptoms and therapeutic measures discussed are very common among many individuals who seek psychological services.
Be aware that significant psychological or emotional problems are sometimes caused by medical conditions. It is therefore important to check with your physician before using my suggestions or doing anything else.
My efforts are meant to provide sensible guidelines to prevent or improve a variety of mild to moderate psychological problems that normally quickly respond to skillful attempts to improve them. Regarding the general advice that I will provide in my blogs, or elsewhere, my efforts to be helpful should never take the place of personalized psychological treatment or therapy.
In the event that your life-coping or psychological problems do not show indications of improvement within a week or two of your efforts, seek professional medical and psychological advice immediately. If the conditions of concern worsen as you attempt to improve them, seek professional medical and psychological help immediately.
Finally, if you, members of your family or friends experience severe, dangerous, or life-threatening psychological problems, do not seek solutions to these problems through my written materials or blogs. My blogs and other materials are inappropriate for coping with severe, dangerous, or life-threatening problems. In the event of such threats, seek personalized professional psychological, psychiatric, hospitalization, or Law Enforcement assistance immediately.
Dr. Tom